Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Validating Decessions

Yes, i got into a top MNC with a good pay.Many would have congratualted me for my "efforts" for this and many who havent did the act quite before are in the process of congratualating and there shall be many to follow the 'virtue'.Congratualations include advices,assignments and may be egoes.But my thinking is that am i happy?I should be.The decession was mine only.But the factors as it comes and rules ,did have that impact upon me too to take the decession

"Dilemma" is one of the words in english that i found quite interesting in the literal sense.The factor that made me to re-remember that "old find" is what that made me to write this blog as well.Someone told me that if you have gain something you should have to loose something aswell.Is is that much true or can it be always true?I dont know.But isnt it that something lost is more painful than something gained,eventhough you gained a lot and only lost something?I think thatway.But yes,time is the best "healer" and "hurt maker".

"Destiny" is the next one that i begin with.The same things that i started the above para do imply on this word too.But no eloboration here,the ending word of this topic itself,destiny...........

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